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Bounce makes original, brave, and imaginative work. 


We create original stories from scratch.  


We believe in collaboration and champion all forms of communication in our creative process. Games, improvisation, visual art, digital technology, and muscle memory are all ways we tell stories. We are constantly evolving our theatre practice to better meet the needs of the people who work with us and to make better theatre. 


We are committed to adjusting practices to meet everyone's needs - so if you are a parent or a potential participant who wants to know more about what we do please email Louise for a chat about what our workshops are like.


If you are a current or previous participant who has thoughts on how we can make our work better, please email Lauren. We'd love to hear your thoughts! 

The Bounce Team

Bounce projects are an act of collaboration, overseen by our core team with different artistic backgrounds. 

Our Collaborators

Over the years we have spent time working with and alongside some amazing people. Here are some from the past year


The Home Café

The Home Café is a vibrant not for profit café and community space in the heart of Earlsfield. The not for profit café supports a range of community projects - including our creative health, youth theatre, and holiday projects. 

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Anstee Bridge

Bounce has partnered in many projects with Anstee Bridge, part of Achieving for Children. Since 2008, Anstee Bridge have supported vulnerable young people (11-16yrs) struggling with their social, emotional, and mental health. They support their students through creative workshops to build confidence and resilience in a nurturing, therapeutic, safe, and fun environment.


Speech Bubbles

Bounce is a proud partner in the national charity Speech Bubbles. Speech Bubbles is for children aged 5-7 who find it difficult to develop the speech, language and communication skills they need for life: for socialising, for learning, for wellbeing, and for good mental health.


The Daesy Dialogue

Author, storyteller and speaker Clare Luther collaborates with Bounce on family learning workshops. Using her talking toolkit The Daesy Dialogue, parents are equipped with tools to nurture their children’s emotional growth and then apply those skills by joining us in authentic, child led play. 


Verbal Diversity Art

Verbal Diversity is an artistic methodology that celebrates all forms of communication. Whether through art, nature, or human interaction. Verbal Diversity recognises and amplifies the unique voices of each individual.

Learn more about our past work...

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